Wednesday 12 July 2017

Paris prepares for President Trump’s Bastille Day visit

Paris prepared for its yearly July 14 Bastille Day celebrations on Wednesday, as locals and U.S. citizens reflected on U.S. President Donald Trump’s attendance this year, on an invitation of his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron.
   President Trump is set to arrive in Paris early Thursday morning, to commemorate the U.S. entry into World War One 100 years ago in a ceremony laden with pageantry and military pomp. U.S. soldiers will march down the Champs Elysees boulevard beside French servicemen.
U.S. and French officials have said Trump’s visit to Paris will allow the leaders to focus on those places where their interests overlap, including resolving the conflict in Syria and combating global terrorism.
However, both political newcomers, who scored upset victories in their presidential elections, have taken very different positions in many areas such as climate change and trade.
Bastille Day commemorates the storming by crowds on July 14, 1789 of the prison where the monarchy’s opponents were held, during the start of the French Revolution.

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