Thursday 6 July 2017

North Korea Missile Launch ‘Unacceptable’, Says China

North Korea Missile Launch 'Unacceptable', Says China
China’s U.N. Ambassador Liu Jieyi on Wednesday said North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launch was a “flagrant violation” of U.N. resolutions and “unacceptable”.
“We call on all the parties concerned to exercise restraint, avoid provocative actions, and belligerent rhetoric, demonstrate the will for unconditional dialogue and work actively together to defuse the tension,” Liu told the Security Council.
He also called for a halt to the United States deployment of a missile defence system in South Korea.
China is North Korea’s only major ally and its biggest trading partner.
Liu’s comments preceded a warning from the US to Russia that if Russia did not “stand strong and vote with the international community to strengthen sanctions on North Korea, we will go our own path” to stop North Korea’s nuclear missile program.

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